‘As Within, So Without’

Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 20.00.41.pngScreen Shot 2017-05-18 at 20.00.33.pngScreen Shot 2017-05-18 at 20.00.11.pngScreen Shot 2017-05-18 at 19.59.52.pngMy interest with the Sublime and oneness with nature initially derived from the phrase, ‘As above, so below”. From this point I spent a lot of time researching hermeticism, alchemy and the mythological documents surrounding it. To put it simply, hermeticism states that in all levels of our reality, including physical, mental-emotional and spiritual; what happens on the sub-atomic structure, happens on every other level. In an attempt to understand ourselves, we must in turn start to understand the universe around us. Although after meticulous research, I realised I did not want to focus on the hermetic principles directly, but on an ideal much more simpler, I wanted to explore the feeling of oneness and the wonder of the human experience through nature. This is something that I touched on in my unit 6 assessment, but I feel that it has since become more realised and refined.

I strived to create something that serves as a metaphor for the connection of all living organisms and the cyclical nature of life. These emotions felt through sensory triggers, to me are not able to be recreated by man. And in turn I feel that the rise of technology has diminished our relationship with nature, in addition to our relationship with each other, and the way we communicate. I am interested in reconnecting with the earth and the sublime experiences it provides. My final installation I am presenting are entitled, ‘As Within, So Without.’

After speaking with Anna on several occasions we realised we were exploring very similar concepts, although we were looking at them from a different perspective. We decided we would like to work collaboratively, so we worked together on a sound piece, made up of our voices, nature sounds and drones to create an ethereal piece.

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